Monday, July 19, 2010

We Saw It Happen

Saturday, Junior and I were standing in our front yard when we heard tires squealing, followed by the sound of a car hitting something.  We looked towards the main road just in time to see a white truck throw up a bunch of dust.  Junior hopped in the car to go see if everyone was alright while I called 911.  After giving all the information, the kids and I walked up the road to see what had happened.

By the time we got there, the fire trucks and ambulance had arrived, but the driver of the truck was long gone.  Junior said when he got up there, he caught a glimpse of a guy running, but had no idea it was the driver.  Thankfully, no one else was involved. 

The accident was a result of the white truck being chased by a guy in a black Tahoe.  The guy in the white truck had just robbed the other guys business, so the black truck was chasing the white truck.  Junior had to stay at the scene until he was interviewed, since he was the first witness. 

There is always something going on around our house.


~Jenn~ said...

omg. holy crap. that is so weird. wow. you do live in an exciting neighborhood. thank god, no one was hurt, but wow, what a story.

jenn said...

jenn ~ I know, right? And all we want is a nice, peaceful place to live! lol!