Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Babysitting New Family

Guest post written by Clarice Hillson

I started watching my new grandson after my daughter-in-law’s maternity leave expired. She and my son wanted to put Henry in daycare but I told him I would love to take care of him so I could spend more time with him in an environment they already trust while saving them some money.

Right now he’s so young that he normally just sleeps and eats throughout most of the day. He’s precious and I’m enjoying his company. But I also look forward to when he can play and interact with me more. When he naps in his crib in the spare bedroom, I normally watch my soap operas or talk shows in the living room. But a lot of times he wakes up during these naps crying and upset. Then it dawned on me that maybe it was the TV that was waking him up. My son says that I should get my hearing checked out.

Once I saw that it was making Henry lose rest I looked up hearing aids cost and got a digital hearing aid. Since then he seems to sleep a little longer, which gives me a little more time to catch up on my soaps.


Super Mom | Maternity Belly Bands said...

Congratulations, Having a grandson is exciting and will make you feel a parent again, like what you feel on your first baby. Goodluck, hope the baby will grow a better and cute person. Thanks for sharing.

jenn said...

Super Mom ~ I am not currently a grandmother (this was a guest post) but am looking forward to it someday...hopefully that day will be quite a few years from now!