Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Am Going To Try Again Tomorrow...And The Next Day If I Have To!

Seriously, what is up with my kids?  The rain didn't help this morning, and Ryan and Kasi were still reluctant participants in my picture taking.  Is it so hard to smile nicely for the camera?  (I also hate the Mr.T shirt)

I did get this cute shot of Brandi...the other two flat out refused to have more pictures taken.
What they don't realize is that I am going to whip out the camera every morning until I get the "back to school 2010" picture I want.


Sonya said...

HA!! You go girl! I'm the same way. I will make my kids stand in a hurricane just to get the pic I want! That's what moms do, right? HA!!

Donna said...

Hahahaaa....Cute Kiddos Jenn!
And just imagine...that shirt might get bleach on it...OoooPS!!!]Hahaaaa...

jenn said...

Sonya ~ That's right! lol!

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ that is what happens when he shops for himself. But, he's 14, and if he wants to wear it, I guess I'll just never been seen in public with him again :)

sandy said...

I even teased my daughter when she went off to college about having a friend take the first day of school picture. lol Naturally that didn't happen.

Amazed your son can swear a shirt like that to school. Dress codes in some schools wouldn't permit that at all.

Who bought it for him? Curious, since you hate the shirt who gave it to him? Maybe it'll get lost in the laundry...hint hint, you know like those elusive socks always do.


jenn said...

Sandy ~ my mom gave him money because he did a lot of work for her over the summer, and when we went shopping, I kind of let him get what he wanted. Also, I wasn't really paying attention, because I was trying to find sneakers for my youngest...I know, bad mom moment on my part, but we all have them :) It could have been worse, though. He was eying an AC/DC Highway To Hell shirt, which I said no way to.

As for the dress code at school, I would be thrilled if he came home and said he wasn't allowed to wear it again.

Tammy said...

My kid's hate and I mean hate it when I want to get a picture of them. We have had fights over it. I just don't understand what the big deal is. Thanks goodness Brandi was more then happy to have you take her picture.

StaLira said...

The youngest one love the camera, though. She is precious.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ as much as it frustrates me, I am the same way...I hate having my picture taken.

jenn said...

MommaLira ~ yeah, she's a little ham! lol!

Unknown said...

I hope mine will let me take a picture on the first day. They are usually not into it.


jenn said...

Lydia ~ I had to force mine...that is why I have to keep trying!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Aurora hates having her picture taken too. Must been teenagers eh!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ :D