Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spy Or Limit?

 I am always on the computer we have here at home, so it's difficult for the girls to get online time.  Junior was talking about this to a guy he works with, and the guy offered to build the girls their own computer.  He gave it to us a few weeks ago, and it is working out really well.  I have it set up right in front of my desk, so when either of the girls are online, I can pretty much keep an eye on them.  However, I am not a naive parent, and I know kids will try and visit sites they know they shouldn't.  Especially kids who are Kasi's age.

I was thinking that there has to be some way that I can see what they are doing, other than checking their history, which we all know can be erased.  I don't want to spy on them, so I was wondering if there was a way to limit the sites they can visit.  After a little research, I found this parental control software that does just that.   Parents get a supervise key, which downloads the software the first time you use it.  When the kids want to go online, they have to plug in an age appropriate key, which only allows them access to websites that are considered safe for that age group.  The keys come in under 9, 9-12, and teen.  If the parent wants unlimited access to the internet, they just have to plug in the supervise key.  I love this concept, because it keeps me from having to spy on my kids by limiting what they can see from the get go.

Would you rather spy on your kids or limit their internet access?


Dawn said...

I have seen the 'new' either operating system or the new IE explorer, I am not sure which one, has the parental controls on it. It is included. I didn't look at the link you posted. I hate to see you pay for something you don't need. But, kids will be kids. Inquiring minds of kids will look.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I hate using IE. I prefer firefox. It never occurred to me that they might offer something like this. I am more of a "preventive" parent than one who spies, so limiting them would work better for me. I'll have to look into this. Thanks!