Monday, August 23, 2010

Banquet Fruit Pies

Check out this picture.  I took it a couple of hours ago.  Doesn't it look like a professional shot?  Can't you just taste the yumminess of the pie just by looking at the picture?  Yeah, me too!

You might be surprised to find out that on that fork is a bite of Banquet's Apple Pie.  I know when I think of Banquet, I think of affordable "TV dinners" and pot pies.  These new pies are just as affordable as Banquet's other entrees.  I paid $.88 a piece for each pie that I bought at Walmart.  I also saw them in my local grocery stores for about the same price.  I bought all three flavors: apple, peach, and mixed berry.  Actually, I bought two of each because I wanted to do a little experiment.  On the box, it has both microwave and conventional oven directions, and I wanted to see if one way tasted better than the other.  I can honestly tell you, they tasted pretty much the same.  The one I cooked in the oven had a slightly crispier crust, but not enough so that I would prefer it over the microwaved one.
I was actually sent four coupons to try out these pies for free, but I didn't use them.  I bought the pies for myself so that I could pass along the free coupons to you!  I have four of them, so leave me a comment if you want to try these pies, and I'll send you one.  If more than four people comment, I will use to pick who gets them.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Banquet and received free coupons to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central also sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”


Tammy said...

I think you did a very very good job at taking a picture of the pie! It looks so good I think I could smell it. I love apple pie. I would really like to win a coupon. Even if I don't at .88 I think I'll be buying some. YUMMY!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ you would think for $.88 you would get a "cheap" tasting pie, but that's not the case. At least not in my opinion :)

RE - RecycledFrockery said...

oo jenn, I'm suprised you microwaved em. you're a great cook so I know you compared em to your homebaked crust now didn't ya (wink*wink). and we know they didn't hold a candle to your pies girlfriend. I saw them even in the dollarstore cooler sundaynite. they look good on the package. but then again so does that japanese wax hamburger in a box. (smh)

jenn said...

Re-RecycledFrockery ~ Now, you know there is nothing like a home baked crust! lol! It's been a long time since I have baked a pie from scratch...I might have to do that soon. Maybe for Thanksgiving?

Okay, and I have to ask...what the heck is a Japanese Wax Hamburger?

Dawn said...

I don't use my oven much in the summer. But, those do look really good. Ok, include me, please!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I'm the same way. We grilled every night at my mom's house...we got out of the pool to cook and eat, then went right back to swimming. It was wonderful! Now I have to plan out my meals in the morning, and remember to take out meat or's probably going to take me a while to get back into the swing of things.

Oh, and I haven't forgotten about the book...I have it here, in an envelope, but I keep forgetting to go to the post office. Maybe I'll just throw the coupon in with it...kill two birds with one stone :)

Forgetfulone said...

MMM. That looks good! I wish the sponsors I review would send me a gift card! Way to go!

jenn said...

Diana ~ it was should check out mom central. They are awesome!