Monday, August 2, 2010

Breyers Giveaway Winners!

Remember my little contest where four of you could win a box of the new Breyers Smooth & Dreamy Ice Cream?  I picked the winners last night, and they are:

Red Kathy from a blog for women

Jenn from believe the impossible

Diana from forgetfulone

Donna from donna's world

Congrats ladies!  I need all of you to send me your addresses so I can get these coupons in the mail.  (if I don't hear from these lovely ladies by wed. night, I will pick new winners)


StaceyC4 said...

Hey! I got your message and I am going to try entrecard again because I really miss the traffic to my blog! I mean, I have BlogHer on there and get paid if people click on the ads but if no one is visiting then I'm not making any money. Stinky, I know. So I'm going to try it again and just do it on my laptop so spare the old desktop from any trauma!

jenn said...

Stacey ~ I haven't had any issues with them in a while, so maybe things are a little better now. (now that I said that, I probably jinxed myself!)

redkathy said...

Oh thank you so much Jenn, I love ice cream and Breyers is tops!

jenn said...

redkathy ~ you're welcome! I hope you enjoy it!

Tammy said...

Congrat's to the winners.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I wish you had won one of them :(

Cacai M. said...

congrats to the winners! I hope next time I would be one of them. ;-)

jenn said...

Cacai ~ check back often...I will hopefully be doing more contests like this one.