Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Have One Lovely Blog

My sweet friend Stacey from All Stace, All The Time passed this award along to me.  I love getting awards, too, so this made my day!  Thanks Stacey!
The rules for this award are as follows:
1.  thank and link back to the person that gave you the award.
2.  share 7 things about yourself.
3.  pass the award to 7 fellow bloggers that inspire you.
4.  let them know about the award.

Okay, so now I have to share seven things about me...hmmm.....

1.  I love having my toenails painted, but I hardly ever paint my fingernails.

2.  I have never had a professional mani/pedi, but Kasi gives me mani/pedis all the time, and they rock!

3.  I am one of those moms who go back to bed once the kids are safely on the school bus.  Don't judge me. :)

4.  I can not remember the last time I went to bed before 2:30am.  I am hoping this will change a little when school starts back.

5.  I am an extremely loyal friend, and I expect the same in return.

6.  My kids have the kind of relationship with my mom that I wish I had had with my grandparents.

7.  I can watch the same movie over and over for weeks at a time if it's one of my favorites.

Now I get to pass this along to seven blogs that inspire me....this is going to be hard only picking seven...

Crystal from the sounds of laughter
Jenn from believe the impossible
Jeanette from a hippo with a headband
Diana from forgetfulone
Lydia from still on the verge
Tammy from crazy mom with 4 boys
Tammy from mom knows everything

I can't wait to read what these seven people write as their 7 things!


Jeannette said...

Thank you so much! I am so honored. Also... I am so glad to see I'm not the only who finds separating my blogs helpful! I'm gonna have to check out all your blogs now.

latree@dandelion said...

hello, I came from Diana's forgetful one.
she was right, your blog is lovely, as you are (knowing the 7 things you just revealed...)

jenn said...

Jeannette ~ having different blogs helps keep me sane...this is where i talk about mom stuff, I have a craft one, and a food one, and a picture one, and of course, my journey, where i talk about strictly myself. This is my main on, though, where i write the most.

And you totally deserve this award :)

jenn said...

latree@dandelion ~ thank you so much!

StaceyC4 said...

You are welcome! And I am totally with you on #1,3,5 & 7! Funny, only the odd ones!

jenn said...

Stacey ~ I guess that means we're both a little odd? lol!

Jamie said...

I'm with you on #7. In fact, I programmed my DVD burner to play my favourite movies on infinite loops, bypassing the menu. It's a bad addiction. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Jenn! I am honored and grateful! You deserve this award.


jenn said...

Lydia ~ as do you!

jenn said...

Josh ~ I will keep this in mind the next time I host a giveaway.

jenn said...

Jamie ~ what's even worse is when one of the kids movies catch my attention...I will admit to a HSM marathon when I'm home alone.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Thank you Jenn! You're the sweetest!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ you are so welcome!