Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Still Don't Understand HTML Or SEO

Last week, I helped a friend change her blog over from a blogspot URL to her own dot com.  Anna, I know you are probably laughing at me, but you should be proud!  I didn't do any of the technical stuff, but I did help her figure out that she had to do a few things on blogger to direct her new URL there.  (I actually remembered that part from when you helped me) Once we figured it out and had everything working, we discussed blogging in general, and how different blogs have different widgets and things on them.  I confessed to knowing nothing about Search Engine Optimisation.  I have tried, in the past, to get a grip on all the technical stuff that goes along with having a blog, but I just don't get it.  My mind is not wired to understand.  The only things on my blog are things that I have seen on other blogs, and I was able to find step by step directions on how to get it on mine.  If blogger didn't make it so easy to add all the HTML things to my sidebar, I am not sure there would be a thing over there.

Maybe I need to find a "Website Building For Dummies" book in the library.  Do you think they have one of those?


bcmomtoo said...

I am proud of you!

I don't really understand all that SEO stuff either. It's confusing. Now, the HTML? That's fun! Also, I'm pretty sure there's a Website Building for Dummies book. I love those books. They make things so clear!

jenn said...

Anna ~ I was pretty impressed with myself! I didn't do anything technical, but she couldn't figure out why her url wasn't redirecting, and i was able to help her get it there. I remembered more than I thought I would, too. I am going to check out all the "dummies" books the next time I'm at the library that have to do with blogging. I have so much to learn!

Mike Golch said...

I am that dumb as well.

jenn said...

Mike Golch ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one! lol!

MsDarkstar said...

Yes, they have a "Dummies" book for that.

I am trying to learn SEO myself. If I get it figured out, I'll let you know!

StaLira said...

Me, too. I can't figure out how they do this thing...

A mom's note

Crystal said...

I don't get half this stuff either! Like u, if it's on someone else's blog and I can figure it out in 5 minutes i'll get it. If not I get frustrated and turn my computer off!!

jenn said...

MsDarkstar ~ please do! I need all the help I can get.

jenn said...

MommaLira ~ it's like it's all in a foreign language or something :)

jenn said...

Crystal ~ the kids will tell you...I threaten to put my fist through this monitor at least ten times a day! I am easily frustrated.

Tammy said...

Jenn you were such a big help to me! I couldn't of done what I did with out you! I still have more I want to do and I hope you will be there to help me.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ you know I will be! I am always willing to help my friends. By helping Dawn last week, I realized I could have been more helpful to you, though she did all the technical stuff...I just pointed her in the right direction.

Dawn said...

Thanks so much, Jenn !!!! You saved my life !! LOL I would of never got to where I am today !! *HUGS* I am going to look for that dummy book. I tried to use HTML code in a HTML editor I found online... and it it worked in the editor, but when I copied and pasted it to blogger, it didn't work. Here is the URL of the HTML editor:

I am still doing a lot of research. But, my days are really limited with time right now. Wednesday is really creeping up !! I CAN'T wait !! :)

You did more than point me in the right decision... you helped me A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

You are a great friend. I saw on FB, that you aren't feeling very good. At 1:00 my time, I was thinking of calling you, but I know after 2:00 is not a good time for you. Nothing important... just wanted to talk about BOOBS !!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I know NOTHING about HTML. I need a book that starts by explaining what it is! lol! I see all these cool things people can do with it, and I want to learn, I just have no idea where to start, so a Dummies book sounded just about right for me.

I think I am battling allergies or throat is sore, my eyes are red a watery, and I can't stop sniffling/sneezing. I'm hoping whatever it is, it goes away quickly.

Tammy said...

Maybe we can get a deal if we buy a bunch of HTML for dummies books, because I need one too.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ lol! :)