Monday, August 9, 2010

My Mushrooms Have Cleavage

Okay, I have a confession to make.  I am a stalker.  I love reading the popular blogs, but I never, ever comment, because seriously, these women don't want to hear what I have to say.  They get hundreds of comments on every post, and I never feel like my comment would be original anyway. There are some posts that stick with me, and others that I forget about until something jogs my memory.  Saturday, at my mom's house, something jogged m memory, only I didn't realize it at the time.

Let me explain.  I have been taking lots of pictures at my mom's house lately, mostly because we are over there just about every day, and she has beautiful flowers and trees in her yard.  Due to all the rain recently, she also has a ton of mushrooms.  I have been posting pictures of them on my picture blog.  It seems like every day, there are new mushrooms.

Saturday, she had these growing in her yard:
I commented to my sister that they were "boobie mushrooms", because, well, they look like boobs.  I thought I was being pretty funny! 

And then last night it hit me...I'm not funny at all.  The Bloggess posted a picture of the exact same type of mushroom a while back, and she talked all about how it looked like a boob.  Turns out I can be funny when using someone else's material. 


But, her mushroom picture was one mushroom...I found a pair of boobies, and they have some rockin' cleavage!  That should count for something, right?


StaceyC4 said...

I think you're funny no matter what! great boob shot, by the way!

Auntie E said...

Now that's Natures humor,LOL

jenn said...

Thanks Stacey! My mom has these all over her's crazy!

jenn said...

Auntie E ~ you're so right! lol!

Tammy said...

I think they are very funny. Sell them on ebay. People would love to buy them.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ Ha! People do buy anything off ebay, don't they?!

Free Money Maker said...

Oh my god I love those,this year I haven,t yet to manage to grow mushroom .I just love to have this.Congratulations for those lovely big mushrooms.

jenn said...

Free Money maker ~ They're great, aren't they?

jellybelly said...

booby mushrooms! on the fitness diva's blog there's a butt shaped watermelon...hmmm what else will i find... :)

YummY! said...

I'm jealous. Even your shrooms have better cleavage than I do. lol

jenn said...

jellybelly ~ I saw that watermelon too! lol!

jenn said...

YummY ~ lol!

Silvergirl said...

wow that was yummy boobsie lol :P they are funny and nice pic

Forgetfulone said...

They do look like boobs!!!!!!

jenn said...

Silvergirl ~ :D

jenn said...

Diana ~ I know, right? Too funny.

Kristi said...

love it :)