Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Okay, Ladies, It Is Time To Get Serious

I don't usually write about serious stuff on this blog, but I really want to share the following information with you, because I truly believe it is important.  If you are one of the men who read my blog, you may want to skip this post.  Or read it and pass the information on to your wife/girlfriend/mother/daughter, or any of the other women in your life.

I want to talk about cancer.  Specifically, cervical cancer.  Most of you are aware of the "new" HPV vaccine, and how it is recommended that young girls who have not yet had sexual intercourse should receive it.  I have a 13 year old daughter, and to be honest, I have not yet decided if I want her to get it.  I want to do more research, and find out about all the side effects.  Thankfully, I still have a few years to do just that.

I also have to think about myself, and I have just learned that there is a test that can detect the presence of 13 high-risk types of HPV.  Gynecologists can do this test when they do your annual pap smear.  The problem is, a lot of doctors don't.  It is so important that as women, we ask for this test, and protect ourselves, as well as our daughters.  We all, at one time or another, have had some type of HPV infection.  As young women, our body should naturally fight off the disease, but as we get older, the chances increase that the HPV infections persist, and can turn into cervical cancer. That is why it is so important that us women over 30 ask for this HPV test, even if you have been vaccinated in the past.  We all know that cancer is best treated in it's early stages, and knowing you are at risk can help make early detection possible.

This is only an overview of the HPV test.  Please visit for more information about this test, and to find out what you can do to keep yourself healthy.  I mean, how can we teach our children to take care of themselves if we don't do the same?

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of the QIAGEN digene HPV test. Mom Central also sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”


Vera said...

What a coincidence, I just wrote about getting the HPV vaccine on my blog yesterday. I hadn't heard about this test, but it's sure worth checking out. Thanks!

Tammy said...

There is much out there that people just don't know about. Thanks for the information and next time I'm at the doctors I'm going to ask for this test.

RE - Entrepod said...

good for you. I wish they had this test when I was diagnosed. Ladies, Get Tested and Be Aware, Always. Great Post.

Crystal said...

I just took Sam in last week for a check up and shots and discussed this with my doc. He said that if I wanted to hold off that here in the next year they will be coming out with newer and better vaccines. So, she didn't get the shot yet.

jenn said...

Vera ~ I hadn't heard about this test either, but it seems like a great preventative tool.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I'm glad...even just talking to your doctor about it is a step in the right direction.

jenn said...

RE-Entrepod ~ thank you. I hope by writing this post I have made more women aware of this test.

jenn said...

Crystal ~ I am all for having tests done to help prevent and diagnose things, but i am still on the fence about getting the shot for my girls. I have a hard time weighing the risks vs. the benefits, because let's face it, this vaccine has not been around long enough for ALL the side effects to be known.

That said, i will definitely be asking about this HPV test the next time I go for a pap.

Dawn said...

Interesting.... I had my 'well woman exam' before I left for Florida. My pap came back not enough cells. Never heard that. Nothing wrong. So, I am going back on Monday. I am going to ask about this. Thanks for the info !! Perfect timing !!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ that's weird...I've never heard of that, either. I hate having my checkups, and haven't been in a few years...I know I should go, but without insurance, well, some things tend to slide by. I am going to look into going to the women's clinic, I think, because it has been far too long since my last pap. I have always had normal ones, though, and they did a ton of tests when they thought I had breast cancer, though nothing down there.

I am definitely asking about this new test, too, when I go.

Dawn said...

I HATE THEM, TOO !! LOL Yes, I am shouting !! LOL