Monday, August 16, 2010

This Is What I Got:

Horrible pictures of the first day of school.  Here they are, thrilled that I wanted a picture.  Can you tell?

My beautiful girls...if only they didn't look half asleep.
My poor Kasi.  Her hair turned green from the pool, so my mom gave her this stuff that was supposed to take the green out.  It worked, but it made all the green hair a coppery orangy red color...can you tell?  Yeah, I know.  but it's better than the green!
I think Ryan was actually sleeping while standing at the bus stop.
Brandi...being Brandi.  Enough said.
A final wave (and the loser sign from my son) and off they went.
I am taking my camera again tomorrow morning, and I better get some better shots...we'll just pretend they are from today. Shhhh...don't tell anyone.  K?


Crystal said...

Lol, those are cute shots. Her hair doesn't look bad at all!!

jenn said...

Crystal ~ it's growing on me...she couldn't care less. She's like me, very low maintenance when it comes to hair and makeup.