Monday, September 20, 2010

$40 Frecklebox Giveaway And Review

I know from experience that kids love having things with their names on it.  I wish I knew this back when i was naming my daughters, because they both spell their names differently than normal.  My oldest daughter is Kasandra, not Cassandra.  My youngest is Brandi, not Brandy.  My unique spelling has made it difficult for them to find things in stores that are personalized.

When I was asked to review a product for Frecklebox, I knew that I would have to choose something cool for one of my girls.  They have the neatest selection of personalized things, from lunch boxes to wall posters.  But, as soon as I saw this lady bug notebook, I immediately thought of Brandi.  She loves ladybugs!  I didn't tell her about it until it came, and she loved it!  The cover is a kind of plastic type material, not paper, so it's going to be difficult for her to tear it, which is great because she shoved it into her book bag right away and has been carrying it back and forth to school every day.

There was also a surprise in the box for me. 
A journal!  Not only does it have my name on the front of the book, it's on the top of all the inside pages, too.  See:
Okay, so maybe you can't read it in that picture, but in that pink bubble up top it says Jenn Wylie.  I seriously love it!

Now that you have seen two of the things available at Frecklebox, I bet you want to order some personalized stuff for yourself.  Go ahead.  Or you could win something right here.  Frecklebox has generously allowed me to give away any item (up to $40) to one lucky reader.  Pretty awesome, right?  As with most of my giveaways lately, there is a required step.  Go to and look around, then come back here and tell me which item you would choose if you win.

For additional entries, (which will only count after you do the required step) do any or all of the following:
  • follow me on Twitter (there is a link on the top right sidebar)
  • "like" my blog on Facebook
  • follow me publicly on Google Friend Connect
  • blog about this contest with a link back to this post
  • Tweet this contest
There are a few conditions to this giveaway:
  • You must live in the US to win.
  • You can not have won a Frecklebox contest before.  Ever.
  • This giveaway will run until 11:59pm on Friday, October 1, 2010.
Good Luck!
*I received both books to review and keep for myself as compensation for this review. The opinions above are my own.
This Product Was a Free Giveaway
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Anonymous said...

I'd like the pink dots journal book,, my daughter would love it!

Anonymous said...

I am a google follower,

Anonymous said...

I fllower on twitter,

Dawn said...

I would get two journals. I have twin nieces. I would save them for their Christmas gifts. One journal would be the Damask Journal and the Preppy Pose.

Dawn said...

I follow you on twitter!

Dawn said...

I 'like' your blog !! :)

Dawn said...

I tweeted: elephantlady777 $40 Frecklebox Giveaway And Review about 2 hours ago from NetworkedBlogs. Retweeted by you less than 5 seconds ago.

Dawn said...

I follow you on GFC!

Anonymous said...


Tara Beaulieu said...

What a sweet giveaway! I love the customized books they do- we're in the same boat, our son Aidan has a hard time finding things with his name spelled correctly because so many people spell it "Aiden" these days. I would love to get him the book "Aidan goes to the zoo" for his birthday next month. He'd go bananas over it!

Tara Beaulieu said...


Tara Beaulieu said...

Giveaway mention added to the top of my blog sidebar!

Tara Beaulieu said...

And finally, I am also a follower!

tara (at) scarboroughseashellsdotcom

Thank you!

Tammy said...

What a great idea. I love the ladybugs very cute.

Christy said...

Hello, I would love to win this giveaway. My (almost seven) little boy loves to write and draw. He also love stationery and I would love to be able to personalize something for him.