Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flashlight Keychain With Laser Pointer Review & Giveaway

It is getting light later in the mornings now, which means when the kids and I head to the bus stop at 6:20am, it is still pretty dark outside.  We don't have any street lights in our neighborhood, so unless my neighbors leave their outside lights on, it's a pretty dark walk up the street.  I used to carry a huge flashlight when we lived in the duplex and it was just the kids and I at the bus stop, but I don't like using it here.  There are tons of other people at this bus stop, and I don't want to look like a weirdo carrying a huge flashlight.

When I was asked to review this Flashlight Keychain with Laser Pointer, I knew it would be perfect for our walk in the mornings.  It's a tiny little flashlight that gives off just enough light for us to see where we are walking in the mornings.  The first day I carried it with us, my son insisted on playing with the laser.

It was pretty cool because the laser lit up the stop sign at the end of our road from pretty far away.  I took this picture from our driveway, and you can see how far away the stop sign is, so you can guess how powerful this little laser is. We also had some of the younger kids chasing the laser around the bus stop.  It's amazing how much fun you can have with a little keychain!

Do you want to win one of these for yourself?  All you have to do is one or all of the following:
  • follow me on Twitter (there is a link on the top right sidebar)
  • "like" my blog on Facebook
  • follow me publicly on Google Friend Connect
  • blog about this contest with a link back to this post
  • Tweet this contest
 This giveaway will be open to US and Canadian bloggers until 11:59pm on Thursday, October 7, 2010.  The winner will receive one Flashlight Keychain with Laser Pointer.

Good luck!
*I received one flashlight keychain with laser pointer to review and keep for myself as compensation for this review. The opinions above are my own.
This Product Was a Free Giveaway
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Dawn said...

Latest: elephantlady777 Flashlight Keychain With Laser Pointer Review & Giveaway Retweeted by you less than 5 seconds ago

Dawn said...

Follow you on twitter!

Dawn said...

I like your blog on FB!

Dawn said...

I follow you on GFC!!

Dawn said...

This would be great for me. It is getting so dark quicker. When I walk Pedro in the evening, it would be great. I hope I win !! :)

Mrs Nobody said...

I'm already a follower

Mrs Nobody said...

I follow you on Twitter as lsheldon5

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