Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm Loving the Smell Of Gain

One of my favorite things about Facebook is all the free stuff you can score.  I have gotten free razors, nuts (almonds, you pervs! lol), pens, and most recently, Gain products.

First I scored the Febreze, and I have to tell you, it smells awesome!  I have already used it in my sons room.  He is my neatest kid.  His room is almost always clean, yet it always smells like teen aged boy.  The Febreze helps with that.

The Gain dish soap is pretty awesome, too.  A little goes a long way towards getting those dishes clean, and it smells great, too.  I looked in Walmart for it, too, and it was pretty cheap, which is always a good thing around here.

I can't wait to see the next great deal I will find on Facebook.


Sandi said...

where do you find them??

jenn said...

Sandi ~ I "like" a lot of freebie and coupons sites on facebook, and they are always linking to other sites that give away free stuff. The most common thing is having to "like" the page to get the freebie, but other sites (like the gain) do weekly giveaways, and the first however many people to respond get the free product. Did any of that make sense? lol!

Dawn said...

That is awesome to get freebies !! :)

Tammy said...

Febreze gain sounds great. I have to start getting freebies. You end up with great products.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I LOVE me some freebies! lol!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I have never used febreze before, but I am a believer now. Ryan's room has never smelled so good! Well, you probably know what I mean about boy smell...you have four! lol!