Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Versatile Blogger ~ That's Me!

My sweet friend Jeannette passed this award along to me. 

As per the rules of accepting this award, here are seven facts you may not know about me:

This is getting hard to do, because I am such an open book! lol!
1. I drink way too much soda.  I prefer the store brands of diet sprite, and drink it from the time I wake up until I go to bed at night.  I can go through 2 2-liter bottles a day sometimes.

2. In October, it will be 9 years since I quit smoking.  I'm pretty proud of that.

3.  I love watching shows my kids watch, like Victorious, iCarly, and Wizards. (not Hannah Montana, though.  I seriously hate her)  I sometimes watch when the kids aren't even home.

4.  I think I'm pretty.  Weird, right?  I know I have weight to lose, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm kinda cute.

5.  That said, I hate my smile.  I think my mouth is way too small for my face, and my teeth are all crooked.  In most pictures I am either serious, or smirking. 

6.  I have recently started doing reviews on this blog, and I am getting completely overwhelmed, but I am loving the free stuff!  I have a few pretty cool giveaways coming up, and some pretty nice reviews.

7.  Being the mom of three kids, I have realized that I love each of them the same amount, but in different ways.

This is the part where I am supposed to pass this along to other bloggers, but you all know that I hate doing that.  Whenever I do, most of the people don't ever acknowledge it, so why bother?  If you want this award, and you are special to me, go ahead and grab it. 


Miranda said...

Congrats!! Why does everyone hate Hannah so much? LOL. I kinda like her, I just hope she doesn't loose that kidness in her. My kids hate her too, but at least Linz saw "Last Song" with me. Nice list ;).

Tara Beaulieu said...

I love iCarly. In fact, I just caught myself watching it when there was not a kid in sight, lol! Congrats on celebrating 9 years without a cigarette! I celebrated 7 years back in April! :)

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

I'm a coffee addict. I literally have a coffee cup in my hand from the second I wake up 'til dinner time. My husband gets up at the crack of dawn, pretty sure before even roosters drag their butts out of bed, and he always makes sure the coffee's on for when I get up. If he forgets? Well, I can almost see the fog cover his eyes and the fear set on his face. I think I've even hear him say a Hail Mary once.

jenn said...

Miranda ~ my issue is more with Miley than Hannah...I just don't see her as a role model for my daughters anymore.

jenn said...

Tara Beaulieu ~ iCarly is one of my favorites, too...I just live that Sam! lol!

jenn said...

Jennie ~ lol! I am so glad that I don't like coffee.

Kristin said...

"Being the mom of three kids, I have realized that I love each of them the same amount, but in different ways"

Jenn, that is so sweet!

jenn said...

Kristin ~ don't you feel the same way with your girls?

Tammy said...

You are very pretty! I love iCarly so does Brett but only if his big brothers are not there to make fun of him.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ Thank you!