Monday, October 11, 2010

Check Out This Giveaway!

I found this awesome giveaway over at Victoria's Jewelry Box, and it's a $100 giveaway where you can choose from a vanity tray, perfume bottle, or trinket box.  I happen to love this little Amethyst Dragonfly trinket Box.  Isn't it beautiful?
There are several ways to enter, from picking the product you would want if you won to liking them on Facebook.  I entered, and I hope that I win.  As much as I adore this trinket box, my mom would absolutely love it, so I would give it to her for Christmas. 

Yes, I have Christmas on the brain.  You should, too.  It's only two and a half months away!


Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Holy jolly fat dude, Batman! 2 1/2 months... Crap!

jenn said...

Jennie ~ I know! lol!

Betty said...

Thanks for the heads up, wow! some beautiful items here!

Visit my blog giveaway for body butters and lip butters!

Do a post about my giveaway, send me a link and I will do a post for your blog after the winner is announced.

Nona said...

That is a cute box. Good luck to you on it!

I don't want to think about christmas yet. I want to make it past Parker's birthday first. lol

Tammy said...

It is very pretty. I may have to go enter.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ they have so many beautiful was hard to pick just one thing.