Monday, October 4, 2010

I Have A Happy Mouth

For the past couple of weeks, I have been using Crest's Pro-Health Complete Mouth Rinse.  I wrote about all the benefits of using this rinse here when I first started using it. 

I haven't been to the dentist since I began using it, but I can definitely feel a difference in my mouth.  The rinse has a nice, minty flavor, which makes my mouth feel all tingly.  I have been using it in the mornings when I wake up, and then again before I go to bed at night.  I brush first, then use the rinse. 

As a wife and mother of three, I don't usually take the extra time to floss every day. I know I neglect my teeth, but I really did think that brushing alone was enough. I now know that it's not.  I know this is going to sound a little weird, but when I spit out the rinse, I could see that I was spitting out things that I missed while brushing.  I don't know if the rinse was getting between my teeth better or what, but my mouth felt so much cleaner after using the rinse.  And fresher.  I will definitely be buying my own bottles in the future when I finish the one I have, especially since it is so reasonably priced.  (at least it is at my local Walmart)  I am also going to try some of the other types they have, too.  I saw a night rinse that I want to try.

You can check out the entire line of rinses here.

“I wrote this review while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Crest and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”


Dawn said...

That is wonderful ! I will have to look into that. I hate to floss! I go to the dentist every six months. We have insurance through my hubby's work. I am trying a new tooth paste which just came today. It is a whitening tooth paste. I am going to have my hubby take a picture tonight before I use it and then in a couple of weeks to see if I can see improvements. Here is the link: I know several people who use it, so I thought I would try it too !

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I have some floss picks that I am going to review...but like you, I hate to floss. I have a lot of issues, and one of them is having the floss go down in my gums between my teeth. This rinse seriously got out the stuff that flossing probably would. I love it, and not just because I reviewed it.

I checked out your link ~ $35 for toothpaste? That's a little high for me. I hope it works for you!

Dawn said...

I can return it in 30 days if I don't see any whitening or anything. I am pooped and am ready to go to bed. Getting ready to take a picture of my teeth !! TMI !!

My teeth are stained from being a sick infant from an antibiotic called (sp) tetrsiclane. So, I am going to try it.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ when Kasi was little, she had a staph infection. The doctor wanted to put her on that stuff, but our pharmacist fought to get her on something else. He said that it could have rotted her adult teeth before they even came in. She ended up on an antibiotic for over 6 months before it was completely gone.

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Wish I had this stuff about 5 months ago when I was puking my guts out every morning! I'm sure my husband would conquer.

jenn said...

Jennie ~ I was one of those lucky ladies who never got morning sickness. I know, I suck.

Crystal said...

Does it make ur mouth burn the longer u have it in there?

jenn said...

Crystal ~ it doesn't, because there's no is seriously the best stuff I have ever used (and I'm not just saying that because they paid me, either.)