Monday, October 18, 2010

What Does Your School Need?

This is such a tough and easy question.  There are little things I would love to see the school provide, like tissues and pencils, and then there are big things, like more reading material and computers.  My son's school needs more resources for helping kids who are falling behind because of learning disabilities, like ADHD (which he has) and my daughter's school needs new chorus gowns.  The ones the girls are wearing now are so old and worn out.  They are making due by repairing the gowns every year, and charging us parents a pretty hefty "rental fee".  These are just a few of the things that come to mind when I think about what their schools need.

If there are things your school needs, you can enter Bing's "Our School Needs ______" contest. Simply have your child (or teacher) write an essay about what his or her school needs(500 to 800 words), snap some pictures (3 to 5 photos), and then make a movie (max 3 minutes...this step is optional, but could be a lot of fun!).  Three schools will win $50,000, and one school will win the big prize, $100,000.  Any school, from K-12 grade can enter.  Check out the video to learn more about this contest, and how to enter.

You can find more information on how to enter here. They are accepting submissions until Friday, October 22, so go get creative, and enter your school!

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Bing and received a giving code and gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate."

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