Thursday, November 11, 2010

Let's Get Some Chinese Food!

 Do you know what I want to do?  One day, someday, I want to go to one of these blogging conferences to finally meet all the wonderful women that I already feel like I know.  Or better yet, I think I might organize my own conference for bloggers like myself, who have a handful of close blog friends they want to meet, but who aren't interested in all the politics.  Oh, you know what I am talking about.  I am not interested in swag or getting invites to the "cool" parties.  I just want to hang out and maybe get some Chinese food.  I know a few bloggers reading this, right now, are nodding their heads and saying, "Heck yeah!  Chinese food with Jenn would be awesome!". 

All we have to do is decide where to meet up. Crowne Plaza Muscat is out of the question, because let's face it, that's a little bit too far to travel.  Their hotel looks beautiful, especially the banquet room, but I am not going to travel that far.  In fact, where ever we decide to meet needs to be within driving distance, because I don't fly.  Maybe I need to see who is willing to do this, and then map it out and pick a point in the dead center.  That would work, right?

The funny thing is, that as much as I would love for this to actually happen, I know it never will.  I am much to shy to meet new people.  Hard to believe, right?


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

mmmm Chinese - I'd totally be there!

Karen said...

I love Chinese food. We recently discovered an old Chinese restaurant in the town next to ours. They still serve in the metal pans with lids. So much fun and the food is great.

StaceyC4 said...

Chinese food with you??? I'm there!!!

Frugal Vicki said...

I would totally get chinese food with you.....and not just since it is like my favorite!!