Monday, January 3, 2011


Tomorrow is the big day - the kids go back to school.  They have been home for over two weeks now, and I really need a break.  It's not that they have been bad.  It's just that I have had someone around twenty four hours a day, and this mommy needs some "me" time.  They have also eaten all the food in the house, so a trip to the grocery store is in order as well, and that works a whole lot better if I don't have six other hands adding groceries to the cart. 

I have started using coupons again, which can be very time consuming.  It's hard work matching the coupon to the store where you can get the best price.  The ideal situation is to use a coupon at a store where the item is already on sale.   I have, in the past, actually gotten items for free this way.  It doesn't happen often, but I have also had the store pay me money for an item, when my coupon puts my balance into the negative.  I had this happen a lot with those fruit coupons I printed a couple of months ago. 

I do know that now that the kids will be back to eating two meals a day at school, my grocery bill will go down.  Hopefully this means I will be able to save enough money to get that new camera I need.

1 comment:

Super Amazing Savings said...

I love coupons! My sister calls me the coupon queen because I always use them whenever I go out shopping and I even give her my extra ones.