Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Okay, ladies.  I have got to tell you about this book I just finished reading.  It is all about the journey we will all take, or have taken, through menopause.  I am still a few years away from my journey through it ( I hope! ), and this book has more than prepared me for what my shmirshky (that's code for vagina) is going to go through. 

It's not written in a this is this and that is that kind of way, where everything is set in stone.  Instead, it is almost like a guidebook, letting women know what may happen during PM&M (which stands for pre-, peri-, and post- menopause) and the things they should talk to their doctors about.  Most importantly, the author encourages us women to talk about what we are going through with other women.  We should talk to the men in our lives, too.  Heck, we should talk to everyone!  The author shares stories about things that happened to her and her friends as they went through their journeys, which makes for some interesting (and funny!) reading.

Check out what the author has to say about Shmirshky:

You can find out more about this book here.  You can also like Shmirshky on Facebook and follow the author on Twitter.  I did both.

I would honestly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about what women go through during their menopausal journeys.  I think men could benefit from reading this book as well.  I mean, they have to go through it with us, so they may as well be prepared for it.

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Frugal Vicki said...

Okay, the pic is a little off-putting but it sounds like a great book!

jenn said...

Vicki ~ I did a double take when I first saw it, then I read the first sentence of the book, "Got a Vagina?", and I knew I had to read it!

Anonymous said...

Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!

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