Friday, September 9, 2011

Buying My Daughter Perfume

Guest post written by Nikki Reid

My daughter's birthday is coming up and I'm so excited about it! She's turning 16 and I can't believe just how fast she's grown up. She's also growing up into such a responsible young woman and I know that she's making some great decisions for herself and has a really bright future. Well, I'm getting her a few things for her birthday but I thought that one of the best things I could give her is a nice perfume. She's worn body spray up until now and I think perfume is a very grown up thing to wear.

I went online to see if I could find some good tips on picking out a perfume for her. While I was looking through some ideas about that, I ran across some wireless internet Corpus Christi deals and decided to take advantage of one of them by switching our home internet service over to it.

I did find some pretty good tips on perfume selection. I actually found a chart that I think was pretty helpful in that and used it to pick out a fruity smelling Sarah Jessica Parker one for her. She really loves her movies so I'm sure that she's going to love it!

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