Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's That Time Of Year Again

Every year for Ryan's birthday, I throw a Halloween themed bash.  It started about four or five years ago, and the kids always have so much fun.  I was debating having it this year since we are in the apartment, but decided to go ahead with it.  I love decorating the house, and making scary themed foods.

I usually buy decorations when they go on clearance after Halloween every year, so I have quite a bit.  Some of them, however, are getting old, so this year, I want to get some new stuff.  I was looking in a party supply store online and found some pretty awesome things.   We have a little porch outside with a railing about it, and I need decorations for that.  I want to hang things from the hooks we have out there, and these shrunken heads will work perfectly. 
Aren't they great?  I'll probably get a few sets and hang some inside, too.  I also found these little figures that I want to put on the food table.  They're pretty great, too, don't you think?
I have all kinds or bowls and platters that I bought last year, but still have to get plates and napkins.  I usually buy black and orange ones, but I think this year I want to get Halloween themed ones.   I hope I can find some scary ones, and not cute ones.  I mean, ghosts with smiley faces just won't cut it for 16 year old boys.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Looks like fun! Hope Ryan get everything he wants! You're such a good Mom...