Saturday, September 24, 2011

Make Money Online

I was a stay at home mom for many years while I was married.  I was happy to take care of the house and be home for the kids to help with homework or whatever.  I never drove, so it was easy for me to dedicate myself to my family, and always being there.  Money was tight, so one day I decided to see if could make money online.  I learned that there are several different ways this can be done, and for me, blogging was the way to go.

You can also work from home, if you have the dedication and time.  When my husband left, I wasn't able to dedicate the time necessary to keep the money coming in like it was.  I had to go out and get a "real job" that guaranteed me a paycheck each week.  I still make money with my blogs, though now instead of it being my only source of income, I consider it my "eating money".  The money I make blogging pays for my lunches during the week when I am on the road. 

There are several websites out there that can guide you through the steps of getting started working online.  Work From Home Coach offers several different options for making money online, and it's a good source of information when you are deciding if this is something you want to do.  

I know I made the right decision when I started making money online.  I just wish I could make more. I still love blogging, though I don't have the time to do it full time anymore.  If you are reading this, chances are you have a blog of your own.  If you are looking to make some extra money, do some research and find the way that works best for you.  These days, any extra money coming in is a blessing.

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