Saturday, September 24, 2011


The kids and I have been in this apartment for almost five months now.  Last night, I realized how truly happy we are here.  I don't have any desire to find Calgary apartments for rent or apartments anywhere else for that matter. 

A couple of months ago, a family moved in downstairs.  The woman is super nice, and they have kids who are Ryan and Brandi's ages.  Their son and Ryan became fast friends.  In fact, the kid spent the night here last night and the two of them went to a festival this morning.  Brandi and their daughter are also friends.  There are so many kids in this neighborhood, and for the most part they all get along well. 

Yesterday, I had a pretty crappy day.  In fact, I was crying at one point, stressing about money and life in general.  My neighbor was outside when I got home from work, so I stopped and talked to her for a while.  I talk to her almost every day, so she knows how stressed I am. 

Last night, I went out to smoke a cigarette around 9, and she came out to smoke at the same time.  She looked at me, said she had a surprise for me, and went back inside.  She came back out a minute later, and walked upstairs to sit with me on my bench, bringing strawberry daiquiri wine coolers with her.  We sat outside and drank for a while, watching the kids ride their bikes in the dark, talking about just how hard life can be sometimes.  It was so nice to have an adult to talk to; someone who understands where I am right now.

So, we plan on staying in this apartment for a while.  Hopefully, they do too.

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