Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Feet Are Happy

The last house we lived in didn't have a single room that was carpeted.  It didn't have real hard wood floor, but the flooring was made to look like hardwood.  I hated it.  In the winter, the floor was always cold, and I had to wear slippers or socks all the time, which made my feet sweat.  I am looking forward to winter in the apartment, because every room, with the exception of the kitchen and bathrooms, are carpeted.  My feet will be very happy.

I used to have two area rugs at the old place, and they were not picked out by me.  In fact, they were display models that we got for a really good price that we just couldn't pass up.  These rugs looked almost oriental, and I am more of a contemporary rug girl.  I have a thing for squares when it comes to rugs which is kind of weird, I think.  I also like subtle colors better that bright or bold colors.  If I could pick any rug, without worrying about the price, I would want this one in my house:
It's beautiful, isn't it?  I used to lean more towards grays and blacks (I know, that's a pretty bold color, but mixed with grays it can be beautiful) but these days, I am more into neutral colors.  I guess as we get older, our tastes change.  Goodness knows my taste in men sure has changed.

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