Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Kitchen

I know you guys are probably tired of hearing me go on and on about how much I love the apartment the kids and I are living in.  The truth is, I am happier here than I have been anywhere we have ever lived.  Everything works.  We have heat and air conditioning.  We have fans in the bathrooms and over the stove.  We have huge closets.  We have happiness.

I always thought that I needed a huge kitchen, but the truth of the matter is, I think what I was looking for was a kitchen that was laid out properly.  The kitchen here is pretty small, but it's built as part of our living/dining room area, so it's open and inviting.  I love my kitchen cabinets, too.  Here is a shot I took a few minutes ago.  Pleas excuse the pots and pans...I just finished cooking supper.
The kitchen cabinets are two different colors, and I love the way the white looks on the wood.  I also love that they aren't set up against the ceiling.  I mean, where else would I put those huge elephants?   Each cabinet has two shelves, which I didn't have the last place we lived.  It makes storage so much easier.  One of these days I am going to empty every cabinet and reorganize, because I wasn't the one who unpacked the kitchen stuff when we moved, so it's kind of thrown all over the place with no sense of purpose.

The problem will be finding the time and energy to actually do it.


Elvirah said...

Its one of my dream, ofcourse, to have such a neat, organised kithen cabinets with a pleasant, welcoming ligthning around.

wiregems said...

You've hit the nail on the head about size vs. layout. I'm thinking if you get your kitchen TOO big, it becomes cumbersome to get from the stove to the sink or from one side to the other. Yours looks totally cute and functional!

anwarulaz said...

You got a lovely kitchen..
May you have many happy moments in there:)

jenn said...

elvirah ~ if I were to ever buy a house, I think the only room I would really be specific about would be my kitchen.

jenn said...

wiregems ~ the last place we lived has a bigger kitchen, but the layout was along two walls, and it was awkward. Half the counter space couldn't be used because it was nowhere near the stove or sink.

jenn said...

meadowly ~ thank you!


i love to have this kind of kitchen. simple neat to look at...

StaceyC4 said...

My kitchen is small and narrow and when we first moved in, it only had like two upper cabinets that had been hand made and doll-house size! Now it's better with newer cabinets but the layout still makes me crazy.

On a completely different note, how do you get the links at the bottom of your post for FB and twitter, etc? You are way more tech savvy than I am...

Donna said...

Hey! Great kitchen! LOVE all those elephants too!
Happy weekend!

jenn said...

stormblogger ~ I do love my kitchen

jenn said...

Stace ~ to be honest, I'm not sure how they got there...it was something in the template I think...I'll try and figure it out and let you know...if I ever find a spare second. I am completely overwhelmed these days, and there never seem to be enough hours in the day...

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ you knew there'd be elephants, didn't you? lol!