Sunday, September 11, 2011

Two ER Trips Later...

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a small little pimple on my leg.  Fast forward a week, and I had several angry looking blisters.  They weren't painful, just annoying, because I couldn't shave my legs.  Then last Wednesday, the one you see in the picture above showed up.  At first, it was a little spot.  After about 24 hours, it started hurting.  Bad.  I showed my mom, who is a nurse, and she suggested I go to the ER, saying she thought it might be an infection of some sort.  Up until this point, I thought they were from sweating, because they were mostly on the backs of my thighs, and sitting in the van all day, I sweat there.

I put off going to the ER for a couple of days, but by Friday, the pain was bad enough that I went.  The doctor took one look at my legs and said I am fighting some type of infection, and put me on antibiotics.  He said if that blister up there was a little more "well formed" they would have cut it.

Um, no thanks.

After three doses of the antibiotic, I woke up this morning with a nasty rash on my upper legs.  I called my mom again, thinking I was having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics, since I am allergic to penicillin.  She said I needed to go back to the ER, so that's what I did.

Turns out, I have a pretty bad yeast infection.  I thought you only got those on your girly parts, but the doctor said you could get them anywhere.  He said it could be from the antibiotics or that my body is simply fighting the other infection so hard that I will pick up every other little thing.  Fun, right?

So he gave me a prescription cream and another type of pill, so now I am on three different medicines. He also suggested I take benedryl, which if you know me at all, you know how bad an idea that is.  I do not do well on medicines that cause drowsiness, so my mom gave me some children's benedryl, and I took a 1/4 tsp, and at this moment, I am fighting to stay awake.

I just hope that by the end of this week everything is cleared up and I am back to normal.


Sandi said...

wow! Definitely an infection there. The whole yeast infection thing I didn't know about getting on the leg. It's pretty much the same thing as athlete's foot or jock itch though. Yeast is often what grows on a baby's bum when they have bad diaper rash. But wow! That doesn't look anything like it to me? It looks like a boil. Infected hair follicle maybe? I don't know. You said it was on other parts of your body too? Something crazy going on! Wow. You take care of yourself and get better girl.

jenn said...

Sandi ~ thanks! I am hoping all these meds will get rid of all of it. The picture is of one of the blisters...I wasn't about to post a yeast infection picture...too gross! lol! This blister is the worst, and the only one that hurts. In fact, it hurts all the way around my shin...that is what sent me to the ER...the pain. I am one of those people who hates the doctor, so I put it off until I had a full blown infection. Yeah, fun stuff!

Donna said...

Did you use an old razor to shave ur legs? What did the Dr say about a possible Staph infection?? Stay on those antibiotics!! Staph is dangerous... Any more spreading and u get Back and see a different Dr!

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ I did, actually, which led my mom to think it was staph. I grabbed one out of the kids shower, only to discover Kasi had found it in a box from when we moved, so who knows how old it was. I believe that if the doctor thought it was staph, he would have said, but he just said "some type of infection". The antibiotics are helping already, but this one blister is the worst. The doc this morning put me on an antifungal medicine, saying that with the antibiotics and now a cream, should clear up everything.

Mike Golch said...

Yikes,that looks nasty.I hope it clears up for you as well.

jenn said...

Mike ~ thank you!

Catch My Words said...

I've gotten these before. My doctor thought it was from shaving with an old blade.


jenn said...

Joyce ~ that's what I think started it...hopefully the meds will make it all go away!

Kristin said...

oh gosh, sweetie! I hope it gets better soon!

jenn said...

Thanks Kristin! It does look a little better this morning...still bright red, but smaller.

Karen said...

You poor thing! I hope it all gets better in a hurry.

jenn said...

Karen ~ thank you!!!!

Unknown said...

Could just be a boil or something? Is there something hard inside?

Tammy said...

I hope you are feeling better. Thank goodness for you mom being there to help you.

jenn said...

sir rob ~ no, it's mushy. They wanted to cut it, but said it wasn't "formed enough", whatever that means. It looks a whole lot better today.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I know...she scared me into going, and I'm glad she did. The doctor said they wouldn't have gone away on their own.

Rhonda Albom said...

Ouch, hope it gets better soon.

Shanno's Country Chic said...

Oh boy...that looks really sore. I'm so glad you went and got it checked out. I hope it clears very soon!

jenn said...

Rhonda ~ thanks! To me, it's looking better neighbor disagrees, but I feel better thinking I'm healing. Time will tell...

jenn said...

Colleen ~ I noticed last night that it is warm to the touch...but it doesn't hurt as bad, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

Noner said...

Crazy! I knew you could get yeast infections in places out than your girlie parts though, because I have had it before. Never looked like that though.

I hope your leg heals sooooon.

maitrilibellule said...

Oh Jenn! I hate to hear this. The first thing I wondered was Spider Bite? I've had a friend that had something that looked like that and that's what it was. I hope it does not cause you too much more discomfort and you will feel better soon. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.



jenn said...

Nona ~ that's a shot of the worst blister...the yeast infection was higher on my legs, and not really picture worthy. :)

jenn said...

Maitri ~ a lot of people think spider bite, but because I had many on my legs, that wasn't it. It looks a little better today, so I think I am on my way to healing. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes.

Mharms said...

Oh no! It's getting big. Better have it cured.


jenn said...

Marms ~ it is pink today instead of bright red, so I think I am on my way!

simply pochi said...

praying for you :)

jenn said...

simply pochi ~ thank you...much appreciated!

maitrilibellule said...

Jenn Honey, please keep us posted because I know we are all very concerned about you. Blessings and love to you and your family... :)


jenn said...

Maitri ~ I'll post new pics is looking so much better.

Whiney Momma said...

I had no idea you could get yeast infection in other places either. So glad you are getting treated though. Sounds like it really sucked !

jenn said...

whiney momma ~ I was shocked when they told me it was a yeast infection. I thought I was having a reaction to the antibiotics.