Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Note To You

Dear Stalker,

Yes, I know you have been reading my blog.  They have this pretty nifty thing that lets me see who is reading my blog, so I know how often you "check in" with what is going on with my life.  It's pathetic, really, that you are so insecure and unhappy in your own life that you need to keep up with every detail of mine. 

Now that I have your attention, let me say a few things that have been bugging me for a while now, but I haven't said because I felt like I had to censor myself here.  Because you are reading this.  But not anymore.  I woke up this morning and realized that any blog worth reading should be written honestly, and I haven't been honest about what has been going on in my life since my husband left.  I didn't think it was any of your business, but now I don't care. If you can't make it through the day without stalking my blog, I figure you're looking for the good stuff.

Well, here it is.

Trust is a big thing.  A huge thing.  No relationship will last without it.  I don't know how you can trust a man who walked out on his family without looking back.  Sure, you won.  But what did you win?  A man who walks away instead of dealing with what is bothering him?  Good for you.  And let me tell you, once a cheater, always a cheater.  He cheated on his first wife, too, which I only found out recently. Good luck keeping him from doing the same to you.

Stop telling my kids they are fat.  You have no room to talk.  I know, neither do I, but I am not damaging a child's self esteem by constantly making him/her measure out their food and not allowing them to snack.  Yes, I know all about that. My kids tell me everything.

My ex is a good dad.  We are friends now, and it's not my fault that you can not have that same relationship with yours.  That does not mean I want him means I want him in my kids lives.  I know this bothers you.  My kids can tell.  And remember, they tell me everything.  Just remember the next time you complain about how your ex never spends time alone with his kids that you prevent my ex from doing that with his kids.  You may be a "package deal", but there are times when my kids want to spend time with their dad without you.  Deal with it.  It doesn't mean they don't like you, it just means they miss their dad.  They went from seeing him all day, every day, to seeing him every other weekend.  That is not enough for them.  If you don't like that, tough.

Don't tell my kids that you are the only reason I get child support.  In fact, don't tell my kids anything.  I know you know they are going to come home and tell me, so have the decency to tell me this crap yourself.  I'm a big girl, I can handle it.

Oh, and here's the juicy stuff...I'm dating.  I have moved on.  My ex is my ex for a reason, and while you were a big part of that reason, I do not want him back.  I am happy with my life the way it is.  I am an independent single mom, doing a great job raising my kids.  You should try doing the same.

Sincerely, Jenn
aka the bitch

P.S. I am not your friend.  I only tolerate you for the sake of my kids.


Catch My Words said...

Good luck with this one.


Ruth said...


Karen said...

Well said.

tammyfaye said...

LOVE IT... Its about time you stand up for yourself and I know you can only take so much. When it comes to damaging your children enough is enough and YOU are their champion.

Donna said...

So....I guess you know who your stalker is...hahaaa...
Well said. Children Always seem to pay the ultimate price...
Have a great weekend!

Melissa said...

Good for you! I want to know how you know who reads your blog and how many times? I would love to know how to do that.

bcmomtoo said...

Oh Jenn, I love you!! Seriously, totally love you!

jenn said...

Thanks for the support ladies!

Isolated Existence. said...

Well said, great post!! I too want to know how you know who reads your blog and how many times. :-)

Misty DawnS said...

Jenn, this is one of the best posts ever! Very well said... and, honestly, it's not bitchy at all... it's honest and straight forward.