Friday, November 4, 2011


This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of American Family Insurance for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

We laugh a lot in my house.  I have a pretty good sense of humor, in a sarcastic sort of way, and my kids definitely got their sense of humors from me.  For instance, Brandi and I had a joint therapy session today, and she was able to ask me whatever questions she wanted, knowing I would answer them as truthfully as I could.  Because she is my child, some of her questions were pretty funny.

We watch a lot of funny shows, but have never sat as a family and watched a stand up comedian, because I have never really found any routines that are family friendly.  American Family Insurance has changed this for me with their stand up comedy acts that are funny and appropriate for my kids, called Stand Up For Family.  I watched one myself to see if my kids would be able to watch, and it was pretty funny.  I watched Bill Bellamy talk about street lights, and how when he was little, parents encouraged kids to play outside, and how they stayed out until the street lights came on.  I thought it was great because I remember my parents doing that to me and my siblings. 

I think AmFam is on to something here.  Providing entertainment my whole family can enjoy is awesome. I am sure I am not the only parent to think so, either.  I can't wait to check out some of the other routines with my kids,

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