Friday, November 18, 2011

I Want A Kitten!

How adorable are they?  I promised the kids that as soon as I can afford the pet deposit, we are going to look for a kitten.  I really want a white fluffy one.  I would love to be able to afford a Persian one, like one of the ones in that picture, but we will probably just go to the animal shelter and hope they have one just as cute.

We used to have a white cat with light gray stripes named Oliver.  Ollie was the best cat.  He would come when you called his name, and he always slept in bed with me and Brandi, usually on one of our pillows.  I was crushed when we had to have him put to sleep due to kidney issues.  I cried for weeks.  I still tear up when I come across pictures of him.  When he died, I got rid of everything that reminded me of him, which means when we get a new kitten, I am going to have to buy all new pet supplies

I am going to make sure that this time we get a girl kitten, because I was told that male cats are prone to kidney problems, and I can't go through that again.  I have been trying to come up with a cute girl name, but seem to be drawing a blank.  Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I have always had better luck with male cats than females as far as behavior. Female kittens/cats always seem to be harder to get along with as house cats for me. I miss my Tiger he was an orange and white striped BIG cat (part Maine coon) had him from age 17 - mid twenties... he passed away sadly. I have such a hard time naming cats..... I would prob do something like Lilly or Ivory. We had a cat named Baby Kitty, that's how original I am ;-) lol

Kristin said...

I have always wanted a cat.. we only had dogs growing up, because my mom has a fear of cats, I don't know why, she can't really explain it.. maybe one day we will get one.. I wonder how jack will do with a kitty in the house..

Dawn said...
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