Friday, November 18, 2011

Looking Nice

 I see a therapist every other Wednesday.  I have been seeing her alone since my husband left.  Before that, we used to see her together.  When I saw her this past Wednesday she asked me if I had lost more weight.  Honestly, I haven't been on the scale in a couple of weeks so I have no idea if I have or not.  What I do know is that I am feeling confident these days, which means I am putting an effort into how I look when I go to work every day.  It used to be that I wore sweat pants and tshirts all the time, and it had been years, many, many years since I have bothered with makeup.  Now, I like looking nice.

The problem, now that it is getting colder, is that none of my winter clothes fit properly, because I have lost so much weight since last year.  I still wear a plus size dress, only now I am not so much of a plus.  I hope one day to lose the rest of this weight so I won't have to wear plus sized clothes anymore.  For now, though, I need to find something nice to wear for Christmas.  I want to have a picture taken of the kids and I that I can frame, and I want to look pretty.  I usually wear black, but I want to find something with a little color.

I wonder what color would look good on me and say Christmas?

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