Thursday, November 3, 2011

Taking Care Of My Mom

I went trick or treating with my mom again this year.  I took my kids, too, of course.  They got lots of goodies which I raided.  I love that my daughter doesn't like Reese's, because they happen to be my favorite.  I love anything chocolate and peanut butter.

My mom and I were talking about a bunch of things while we were walking, and one of those things was what would happen to her if she ever got to the point where she couldn't take care of herself.  She said one of my sister's told here that she would never put her in a nursing home, and to be honest, I agree.  I would take her in to live with me before that happened.  I would need help, of course, but thanks to services that offer elder care, I know I wouldn't be on my own. I am sure no matter what my sisters and I decide, when the time comes, my mother will be well taken care of. 

I hope someday my kids feel the same way about me and I don't end up in a home somewhere, forgotten.  I don't think that would happen, but you never know.

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