Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Edible Ladybug

My daughter is obsessed with ladybugs.  She has been for years.  This year for her birthday she asked my mom to make her ladybug cupcakes, and I think she did an awesome job.  She has been baking cupcakes for a while now, and she is always coming up with new ideas.  My personal favorite are her chocolate cupcakes that she fills with peanut butter.  These were strawberry, and the ones that didn't have ladybugs on them were filled with a strawberry/chocolate filling.  I can not even begin to tell you how good they were.  Everyone loved them!  Thanks again mom!


Rose Clearfield said...

They are really cute, and I'm sure that they were delicious, too!

Tammy said...

Wow these are so cute. I have a friend that is crazy about ladybugs and would love these. I think ladybugs stand for good luck too. You mom did a great job on the cupcakes.

stevebethere said...

They look brilliant I bet they were delicious, mind you they look so nice it seems a shame to ruin them ....oh go on then give me one LOL

Have a lovely day :-)

Crystal said...

Wow, those are amazing.

ExploreColorado said...

What a cute idea. My girls would love these.