Saturday, January 14, 2012


Back in May, when we moved into this apartment, I promised the kids that as soon as I could afford to pay the pet deposit we would get a cat.  It looks like I will have the money for it in the next month or so, which means we get to go kitten shopping.  I'm pretty excited about it, too.  My mom suggested I check out our local shelter, which is what I will probably do. My only issue is that I do not want fleas.

I have dealt with flea issues in the past, and they are so hard to get rid of.  I am going to make sure that this time, I treat the kitten before we have problems.  I know there are ways to get discount pet meds, which will be really helpful.  I am sure I can find some type of preventive flea medicine.  I think they have one that you can use once a month of something like that.  Plus, this kitty will never go outside, so that may help keep the fleas away, too.  

I know we are going to get a girl cat, and I have spent a lot of time recently trying to decide on a name.  I want something cute, but not silly.  I'm not a big Fluffy or Whiskers person.  My pets have always had human names.  I am leaning towards maybe Lucy or Molly.  We've already had a Zoey, Ollie, Jack Jack, Oscar, Claire, Rose, Cake and Sugar.  Okay, so Sugar and Cake aren't human names, but Brandi named them and she was really little when she did.  I had a white cat named Princess when I was little. 

Do you have a pet with a cute name? What would you suggest as a good name for a kitten?

1 comment:

bcmomtoo said...

Cory and I wanted to name our cat Luna - but she was supposed to be Beth's cat, so Beth got to name her, and she's our Tillie.

We named Weasley after the Weasleys in the Harry Potter books - because he's orange. (Luna was from Harry Potter, too)