Saturday, January 14, 2012

Need To Laugh?

I have a new favorite thing to do when I am bored.  I go online and read  funny autocorrets that people post from their phones.  Some of them are hysterical!  The best ones are between parents and their kids, especially when they were texted by mistake.  There was this one where some girl thought she was texting her boyfriend about sneaking over, but she accidentally texted the message to her mother.  Her mom's reaction was great!

I tend to find the ones that are dirty even funnier.  Yeah, I know.  I'm weird like that.  You want to know what I don't like?  People w post pictures of themselves on Facebook doing the duckface.  I have not seen one that looks even halfway nice. In fact, I think doing that face makes a person look stupid.  That's just my opinion, of course.  I would think that people would want pictures posted that make them look nice, not silly.  There are also the people who alter their pictures, and sometimes, it just doesn't work.  There are so many examples of Photoshop fails online you would think people would learn a thing or two.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I am all about playing around with a picture to make it look better, but not to change the way I look in it.  Did that just make sense?

Anyway, I think I got off on a little tangent there.  Sorry.  My point was, the next time you have some spare time, check out the autocorrects online, especially if you need a good laugh.


Donna said...

I've seen them...what a hoot!

w0rkingAth0mE said...

So stressful for the past days laughing is the best medicines i guess thanks for sharing.