Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bracelets And Rings And Necklaces

Recently, I have started wearing jewelry again.  Back in the day, I used to love wearing bracelets, rings, and necklaces.  I'm not sure when I stopped wearing all my jewelry, but I'm pretty sure it was when I decided to become a stay at home mom and hardly ever left the house.  Now that I have a full time job again, I like looking nice, and jewelry always makes me feel prettier.  If you are a girl, you know what I'm talking about.

I have been buying a lot of jewelry online the last few weeks, since I finally have a little money to spend on myself.  I found some beautiful titanium bracelets, but the one in the picture over there is my favorite.  I'm not really into gold right now, I prefer silver colored jewelry.  In fact, all of the rings I wear these days, including the new ring my sister gave me for my birthday, are sterling or white gold. I would love to add some black titanium rings to my collection eventually, but right now I have a ring for every finger, so there's no need for me to buy any more.

I ordered a really cool necklace online last week that has all my kids names on it, and their birthstones.  I can not wait to get it and wear it. 

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