Sunday, February 26, 2012


We eat a lot of chicken around here.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I cooked beef.  I have several different chicken recipes, but my kids like my barbecue chicken with pineapple the best.  Tonight, I am cooking something we have never tried before. It's a boxed dinner kit from Velveeta called zesty barbecue chicken or something like that.  I'm hoping the kids like it, because it would be nice to add more variety to our chicken dinners.

I could save myself a lot of money if I raised my own chickens to eat.  I don't know much about operating a chicken hatchery, and I can only assume that it would require a lot of time and effort. I was reading an article recently about running a farm, and one of the things they were talking about was raising chickens.  I was laughing like crazy when the author started talking about how messy chickens are, and how they poop constantly.

I am sure hatcheries are not the cleanest places on earth, and to be honest, I'm not sure I could eat a chicken that I had raised from a baby.  I would hate to invest so much time incubating an egg, witnessing it hatch, watch it grow, and then have to chop of it's head to have dinner.  I prefer buying my chicken skinless and boneless, and faceless.

The same holds true for bacon and sausage.  I don't need to meet the pig before I eat it.

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