Saturday, February 25, 2012


 I have been really bad about cooking dinner for the kids these days.  We have been eating out quite a bit, and there have been several days where they have just had to fend for themselves, eating whatever they could find in the house.  I blame work for my lack of energy in the evenings.  Even though I spend most of my day driving, it gets pretty stressful always having to be paying attention to the road and other drivers.  By the time I get home, the only thing I want to do is sit down and relax. 

We haven't been eating anywhere fancy, like the strand house. Mostly it has been subs, pizza, or Chinese food.  I love Chinese food.  I could probably eat it every day and never tire of it.  My favorite is chicken and broccoli, followed closely by sesame chicken.  Throw in egg rolls and cheese wontons, and I'm in heaven.

The kids would probably live on McDonald's if I let them.

I am going to make an effort to start cooking more, simply because I am trying to eat healthier.  I've started packing myself a lunch in the mornings to keep in the van, that way I can avoid the fast food trap when I get hungry on the road.  I have also stopped drinking so much diet pepsi.  I have one can in the morning for the caffeine (I'm not a coffee drinker), and for the rest of the day I drink water or juice.

I'm hoping these little changes will help me lose the rest of this weight.  I know I have to try and find the time and energy to exercise, too.  Maybe I can find a way to add a few more hours to my day.


Dawn Conklin said...

It can be crazy when you drive all day. I know, I used to drive a bus anywhere from 8-14 hours a day! People always act like there is something wrong with us for being tired when we sit all day, but I used to get quite exhausted when I drove. It helps if you can get out and stretch often during your work day. Even if you can stop and walk around a parking lot for a couple minutes. Gets the blood flowing.
A crockpot can be your best friend! You can throw some ingredients in it, turn it on low and magically you have dinner ready when you get home. I used to use my crockpot often when I worked out of the house. They are a wonderful tool!

Pearl said...

My son would never get tired of McDonald's too:(

Dawn said...

Buy a McDonald's cheeseburger and just leave it in the wrapper and watch it. Nothing will happen. Ewww that is what goes into your stomach. I haven't eaten at McD's since I saw that !! Don't let your kids eat that crap !!