Sunday, February 26, 2012

Let's All Support Local Businesses

I work for a man who owns a small business.  You all know that I drive a delivery van, but I don't think I've ever talked much about what I actually do. In the mornings, I deliver mail to several local businesses.  These are small businesses, and unfortunately, a few that I used to deliver to have gone out of business over the last year.  In the afternoon, I revisit each business and pick up mail that I then drop off at the post office before going home.  In between my mail routes, I deliver between businesses.  I really do love my job, mostly because for most of the day, it is just me and my radio.  I love cranking up my favorite songs and singing along at the top of my lungs.  People I pass must think I'm insane as they see me dancing in my seat, but I don't care.  It makes the day go by faster.

I wish more people would Support Local Business owners and not shop so much in the big chain stores. I am guilty of spending most of my paycheck at Walmart every week, but when it comes to finding one of a kind gifts, or jewelry, I try and buy handmade things.  I love etsy, and try to search out artists who are from my area.  I did a lot of my Christmas shopping the past two years online, buying handmade things.  I would rather spend a little more on something that I know was made with love.  In fact, I bought my mom the cutest potholders last year, and they were about ten times more expensive than what I would have paid in a chain store, but I considered it money well spent because I was helping to support a local mom who was trying to help support her family.

I guess my point is, we all need to be more supportive of local small businesses.

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