Sunday, February 12, 2012


Here's our new little kitty, Lillie.  I'm not exactly sure how old she is, maybe a few months.  A friend of mine found her, which leads me to believe someone tossed her out of their car or something.  I can only assume it is because she is deaf, because she is the sweetest little thing.  She loves to cuddle, and every time I sit on the couch, it doesn't take her long to find me and snuggle up between me and my laptop.  My girls love her, too.  I am sure she is going to have a very happy life here with us.


Catch My Words said...

Awww. Sweet little kitty.


Karen and Gerard said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! So glad you are giving little Lillie a good home! She is lucky to have you.

Summer at said...

That is so awesome that you've taken in this little girl. She sounds like a wonderful kitty. I don't know if you've ever lived with a deaf cat before, but here is a page with some tips:

Donna said...

Glad you rescued her!

Rose Clearfield said...

Aw, she is precious! I'm so glad that your friend was able to rescue her. She'll have a wonderful home now. :)

Petronela said...

she's so sweet and pretty, what a lovely gesture you've made, congrats..:).

Mharms said...

She reminds me of our cat. She looks like Lillie when she came to our house after a storm.


Unknown said...

I've often heard that white cats do not produce dander and I am curious is this true? I was told many years ago that they are the only cat to get for those who suffer from pet allergies .. so now that you have a most beautiful pussy, is this true?

Kristin said...

oh my gosh, Jenn.. she is so sweet!!

How lucky she is to have been found and welcomed into the home of such a wonderful family...she will have a good, good life..
