Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lemon Laws

A couple of years ago, my then husband and I needed a new car.  We didn't have much money, and our credit was horrible, so we went to one of those buy here, pay here places.  We put $500 down on a car, and we were on our way.  Later that night, he car started acting funny.  Turns out, there were several things wrong with the car that the salesman didn't tell us about.  My ex asked if we could get our deposit back to put down on another vehicle, and they refused.  They said they would take the car back, and sell us another, but they would report it as a repossession and report it to the credit agencies.  We had no choice but to go along with him, because we desperately needed a vehicle for our family.

I had no idea about lemon laws, or that there are Lemon Law attorneys in California who specialize in helping people in our situation.  These California Lemon law lawyers may have been able to get us our deposit back, and maybe even stopped the repossession.

We did pay off the second car, and not long after that the car lot closed down.  I was happy knowing they wouldn't be able to sucker anyone else.

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