Thursday, March 8, 2012


Traveling can be wonderful, but it can also be stressful and expensive.  I wouldn't know this first hand, because I have never been anywhere except up and down the east coast.  I would love to someday be able to take a month or two and just get away.  I remember watching a movie once about two women, from different countries, who swapped houses for a month.  They lived in each others homes, and were able to enjoy a different country in comfort.

I'm not sure I could live in someone's house, but if I were to visit somewhere for any length of time, I would want to stay in an apartment instead of a hotel.  There are even people who specialize in finding the right apartments for tourists.  For instance, if you want to visit London, there is a couple who are experts at finding London apartments.  They have lived in France for years, and know all the places you must visit.  With the Olympics being held there this year, there probably isn't a hotel room to be found, so renting an apartment might be your best bet.  Looking for your own London apartments can be overwhelming, so why not leave it to the experts?

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