Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brandi Would Love Doing Movie Auditions - And Movies!

My kid is a ham. It doesn't matter if she is in a room full of people or alone with a mirror, she will find a way to be entertaining. A few months ago, she auditioned for the school play. They were doing The Wizard Of Oz, which is her all time favorite movie, and she had her heart set on being Dorothy. Unfortunately, because her school has fourth, fifth, and sixth graders in it, they gave all the leads to the sixth graders.  My poor little fourth grader was reduced to being a munchkin. She was heartbroken at first, but then she put her heart and soul into being the best little munchkin in the play.  That picture up there was taken right after the performance. The woman with Brandi directed the play, and for the life of me I can not remember her name.  She is an actress with a traveling show, and she took time out of her busy schedule to help these kids put on the best performance of The Wizard Of Oz I have ever seen.

If you ask Brandi what she wants to be when she grows up, she will tell you she wants to be an actress.  In fact, if she had her way, we would be living in L.A. right now and she would be starring in her own show on Disney or Nick.  Her ultimate dream is to work with Selena Gomez, who just so happens to be her idol. But, Movie Auditions are hard to come by I'm sure, especially for someone who has never worked in the business before.  There is website called My Big Movie Break that can help unknowns break into the business. The site has online auditions, as well as tips, and gives aspiring actors the chance to be in a feature film.

For now, I am going to keep this site a secret from Brandi.  If she were to find out about it, she would be auditioning for everything she could, and I would have to pack up and move across the country, because there is not a doubt in my mind that given the opportunity, she would be an awesome actress.

1 comment:

Mharms said...

That's interesting! Looks like she's confident and not shy being with people. She will be a good actor.
