Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Have you ever thought about packing up all of your belongings and starting over somewhere you have never been before, and no one knows who you are? I have those thoughts sometimes, especially on days like today, where everything seemed to go wrong.  I won't go into specifics, but let's just say I messed up at work this morning, and called my boss and told him to fire me.  He didn't, of course, but that was just the beginning to a pretty horrible day.

It's days like these that I think about Flats to rent Glasgow, because I can pretty much guarantee that no one would know me there.  I could take the kids, run away, and never look back.  Of course, I would let their dad know where we were, and my family, but I would be content to be on my own.  I would never really do this, but sometimes it is nice to dream.  I could spend hours searching for Flats to rent Edinburgh or Flats to rent Aberdeen online, because these properties are beautiful! I am having a little trouble figuring out exactly how much they cost, because the price is not listed in American currency.  I bet if I searched for a converter online I would see that all these places are way out of my price range.  But, like I said, a girl can dream, right?

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