Saturday, July 28, 2012

"Old School" Photo Albums

Do you know what I miss? You may laugh at me, but I miss photo albums .  Don't get me wrong, digital photos are great.  There is nothing better than instantly seeing that you look horrible in a picture.  You can share them online, and store them in your computer.  You can even burn them CD's to keep them safe. But, there is nothing like sitting down with an actual photo album and flipping through it, holding memories in your hands.  I have an entire bookshelf in my bedroom filled with photo albums.  The last one I made was of Brandi when she was a baby.  In fact, I have albums for each of my kids.  It's something I can one day hand down to them so that they can show their children.  

I need to start printing out some of my digital photos, so I can make more photo albums.  

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