Saturday, June 9, 2007

A Bad Beginning To A Good Day

My day started out pretty crappy. That's even putting it mildly. As I have mentioned before, we have a lot of outside cats. Junior hates them all, except one. Little Cake. If you don't want to be sad, you might want to skip to the next paragraph, cause what I'm gonna tell you sucks big time. Last night, Junior was getting ready for work when Jean called. I had forgotten to give her some medicine for Del when she dropped me off last night. She asked if Junior would drop it off on his way to work. So he rushes to get ready and off he goes. Two minutes later he knocked back on the door. He needed a lighter. He gets it, I shut the door, and off he goes again. This morning I get up and the car is out front but I can't find Junior. I look out the back and he is walking across the yard. When he comes in the front door, I ask what he was doing. Biggest mistake of the day. He breaks down crying and says he was burying Cake. I say, "did she get hit?", to which he replies, "I hit her." I ask how he knew it was him, and he said that last night when he left the second time, he thought he ran over a toy. When he pulled in the yard this morning, he saw that it was Cake. The cats usually run when he starts the car, but because he just ran in the house, he left the car running, and then just toook off without thinking about the cats. My heart is still breaking for him. He loved that kittie. I couldn't cry then because I didn't want him to feel worse than he already did. He also didn't want me to tell the kids. So through the course of the day, while at Del's, I was so worried about him. Junior has a huge heart, and it was broken today for sure. I eventually told the kids. Brandi was very upset because she named Cake and considered her to be hers. So I told her she could name one of Claires kittens and we would keep it. She named it Cupcake (with a little help from me). I did not tell them that Junior hit her. I just said she was hit and killed. So tonight, say a little prayer for my husband that he can forgive himself for what was clearly an accident.Enough sad stuff. I got to work (I'm just gonna call it that from now on cause it's easier) aroung 9 this morning. Del decided to run to Columbia to get fresh stuff, so he lowered all the old stuff to $1 a tray. That's a really good deal. Needless to say, I sold out rather quickly. Tim and Anita were up so Grumpy planned a cookout for this afternoon. I was gonna send Jr. and the kids, but Del got stuck in traffic and called and said he would be at least 5:30, 6:00 before he got back. So I closed up for a while and went with them. I made it back to work 10 minutes after Del got there. He had lots of good looking produce. We should make some money this coming week. The cookout was okay. If you are a member of that side of the family, I need not explain the day. It was typical somebody running their mouth and somebody else getting pissed. I ended up sitting and talking with Bobby. As two people married into the craziness, I think we've both realized it's best to stay out of things. I will help Joyce set things out and clean up, but I refuse to get involved with Grumpy and his bitching. It just pisses me off. I know that if I open my mouth, there will be hurt feelings, cause I would not be nice. Previous entries have given you a glimpse of how he treats my husband. I will not comment on how he treats other people, cause that's not my story to tell. I will say that I hope he changes before its too late. Anyway, it was nice to see my nieces and nephew. Brandon is so cute. I'm happy that at least now he remembers my name! I am almost done with my book. It is really funny in some places. I was sitting at the stand today reading and actually laughed out loud. The kids looked at me like I had lost my mind. The first book about this character was Odd Thomas. It was really, REALLY good. The second. Forever Odd, was okay. I think this one will end up as a really good one too. I'll let you know in a day or two. I guess I'm done for today. Please remember Junior in your prayers, and I'm sure you'll hear from me soon.

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