Saturday, June 9, 2007

It's What Time?

Again, I can't sleep. This is getting ridiculous. I drank a 2 liter bottle of diet pepsi black cherry/french vanilla today at "work". I don't usually drink caffeine, so I am now bouncing off the walls. I've caught up on most of the housework I've been neglecting. I watched the final episode of The Tudors on demand. I checked my email. Now I have nothing to do. I promise not to ramble like I did last week. I should go read my book for a while. It is getting really good. I found this website called Just Free Stuff. It gives you links to products who are offering free samples. I've gotten shampoo/conditioner, laundry detergent, first aid supplies, a pedometer, and all kinds of neat stuff. So a couple of weeks ago, they had a link to sign up for a free glucose meter. I figured, why not. So the other day, I recieved a Contour Blood Glucose Monitoring System in the mail. It came with the lancet, strips, and everything. For free. Junior has been thinking for a while that his sugar is out of whack. Now we can teat it. I wish I had found this when I was pregnant with Kasi. I had gestational diabetes and had to borrow a meter from the hospital. This one comes with a carrying case too. If you are interested, go to and sign up for the newsletter. They email like 3 or 4 times a week and some of the stuff is pretty cool.

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