Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day Of School

brandi rose...striking a pose!kasi...ready to go!
ryan...all smiles!
waiting on the bus


Carrie said...

All your kiddos look happy to be going back to school! I can't imagine getting up so early for the bus. My goodness is it still dark outside???? Hope they have a great first day back :0)

The Johnston Family said...

Hi Jen. Of course I dont mind that you checked out my blog...please do. Wow all of them in school. I look forward to that day. What time do they go to school? It looks like night time. LOL Have a great day Jenn. I hope to talk to you again soon.


Jennifer said...

hi love.

they all look so happy... even that early in the darn morning. :) I bet you are lonely now w/o them, especially since it is the first day... or maybe you are doing things for yourself since it is the first day and you haven't been home alone in a while now. :) But all in all I'm sure you are going to be anxious to see them and hear all about their first days!! :)

They all look GREAT!! Ryan is so darn handome!! He is going to truly be a ladies man... but the good kind... with manners and stuff!! :) I can tell, you will have to be beating the girls away from him. :)

Kasi is such a little lady and you can tell she is so sweet too, not the sassy little brat that some girls are at her age... she is gorgeous and lucky to have a big brother to keep all the boys away!! :)

Then there is Miss Boo... she is so stinkin' cute! I love the pose. She is a sweetheart too!!

You are so blessed with these beautiful children!! :) (but, I know you know that!!)

have a good, quiet, day!!

xoxoxoxo HUGS!!!

jenn said...

we went out at 6:30, and it was still mostly dark. By the time the bus got there around 6:45, the sun nad come up. They get to school early enough to eat breakfast every day.

Forgetfulone said...

Where do you live that you're going back already? I'm in Texas, and our kids start Monday. I'm already back at work, though. At least, I'm supposed to be! I had to take a break to take a peek at your blog.

I always get a first day of school picture. My kids think they're "too old," but that's "too bad!" Your kids look well-dressed and happy!

Michelle said...

Those are great pictures...I love the last on...waiting for the bus..Hope they have a great year.

I enjoyed catching up on your blog....

Unknown said...

Hope it is the beginning of a good school year, we get back to our homeschooling year next week. The kids are enjoying their last week of freedom by disapppearing on their bicycles every moment they can. Love the diva pose.

Milly said...

What a great group of pictures. They look truly ready for school and learning

Unknown said...

Wow, it is so dark there, must have been a really early morning for you all. The kids look so sweet and amazingly happy for the first day back, Brandi Rose's pose cracks me up!
Hope all is well with you, I am not sure how I missed that you had a new blog here, but I am glad to have found you. Thanks so much for coming by, I will add this addy to my blog reader right now.
Have a great day,

Crystal said...

LOLOL!!! She is such a little ham!!! Those kids are growing up so fast! Hope they enjoyed their first day!!!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Wow is it dark out while they are waiting for the bus?