Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cultivating A Friendship

I am so blessed.

I know this because I have the best friends.

Not only was I lucky enough to find a man who is not only my husband, but my best friend, but in the past year I have been lucky enough to have become friends with an amazing woman and her family.

This woman is like me in so many ways, and then in so many ways we are complete opposites. Like me, she has an awesome sense of humor. (yes, I think I have an awesome sense of humor...it might not come out in my writing, but I have been told a bazillion times that I am one funny chick) She loves her family more than anything in the world, and seriously, has the biggest heart. Like me, she would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it, even if she didn't have another to put on. I know that it would take one phone call, and she would be there for me, no questions asked. (except maybe where we need to bury the body)

Where I am extremely shy, she is beyond outgoing. This woman never met a stranger in her life, and has passed that eagerness to make friends down to her son. (I have seen first hand how her son is accepting of everyone, and I love that...that right there is a sign of great parenting) We both hate talking on the phone, but do it anyway! Which is funny to me, because there are never any of those awkward silences. We always have something to say. She loves her mom as much as I do mine, and I love her mom as much as she loves mine. Weird, right? But it works.

As many times as I have vented to her, I was so happy to have been able to be there to listen to her yesterday, and offer my shoulder.

Now let me tell you the crazy part.

We met through blogging.

That's right. It started with one comment on my blog, which led to the realization that we lived pretty close to one another, and that was that. We met up for the first time at Ryan's birthday party last year, and that was it. She has become one of the closest friends I have ever had, and I love her to pieces. We have plans this weekend to trick or treat together, and I am so excited! I love hanging out with her. I have always loved to laugh, and I laugh so much when we are together.

Missy, I hope if you read this today you are laughing. Or at least smiling. You know I love you, girl!


Ann said...

Well how cool is that, meeting such a good friend through blogging. I doubt that anyone living close to me blogs...lol

Donna said...

Ahhhhh...What a sweet post! She truly sounds amazing! Friends are SO darn hard to find no Matter where!hughugs

Vixen said...

Friends are such a gift. You are lucky and deserving of one so special.

Missy said...

You are a something else...I hope you know I am bawling like a baby. I dried my eyes and called Alex in, got to reading it to him and got to the end and I busted out crying again...that little turd comes over to me and hugs me (I think he's going to comfort me but instead leans down and says, "its ok just cry it out, cry it out..." LMAO!

I hope you know I love ya too and we are so blessed by your friendship, thanks for the shoulder! :D

Many hugs and tons of love to ya!!
Missy and fam